Teaching materials on discrimination for secondary levels I and II


Modul Discrimination SEK_©GEMEINSAM FÜR AFRIKA

Discrimination has many faces – but what actually is discrimination? What role does our language play in this? What is the name of the first black member of the Bundestag? Which country does he come from? This module provides answers to these and other questions and addresses discrimination in African countries and in Germany.

Worksheets and background text

Our teaching materials consist of a comprehensive introductory text, worksheets with tasks and questions, a role model showing options of agency and a project example from Africa. Thanks to the modules, teachers can easily plan lessons regarding the topics.

The modules can be used in various situations. Since they contain further information and links, they help students to research more on the specific topic independently.

Recommended subjects:

  • English
  • Social and political sciences
  • Ethics

But all teaching materials can be used interdisciplinary, too.

Introductory text (excerpt from the module)

To this day, no person is guaranteed a life without discrimination in any country of the world. Even in Germany, people experience unfair treatment in their everyday lives. Academic success in Germany, for example, still very much depends on a child’s social and home environments, rather than on his or her cognitive abilities. The education system is largely geared toward the children of educated families without learning difficulties. Young people’s sexual orientation or religious affiliation also determine how well represented they feel in today’s education system. Although German schools may advertise themselves as being inclusive of all students, this is far from the everyday reality. So, being aware of discrimination is crucial for our dealings with each other. Oftentimes, discrimination is not immediately obvious but remains hidden, for example, in certain everyday expressions, arguments, or behaviors. That can give rise to stereotyped thinking, which denies people their individuality and marginalizes them, preventing a peaceful coexistence.

What is discrimination?

The word “discrimination” is derived from the Latin verb “discriminare,” which means “differentiate” or “make a distinction.” Discrimination therefore refers to making distinctions by excluding and/or disadvantaging certain individuals or groups of people. When a person acts out of prejudice and this has a specific effect—intended or not—this is an act of discrimination. The person’s intentions are not what makes an act or a comment discriminating, but rather the detrimental effects on the person who experiences the discrimination. Similar to Germany’s General Act on Equal Treatment, the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) defines discrimination as “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference […] which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing of human rights and fundamental freedoms […].” …

Download the module to read the full text and get access to the worksheets.

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