Teaching materials on communities for climate justice for secondary levels I and II


Modul Communities for Climate Justice SEK_©GEMEINSAM FÜR AFRIKA

Rural regions in Africa are particularly affected by the impacts of climate change. But the people living in villages, small towns and slums are not the problem – they are the solution! African village communities have been the hub of economic and social activities for thousands of years. The experience of several decades of development cooperation proves that it is crucial to involve communities in development programs from the very beginning and to let them plan, implement and shape them.

Worksheets and background text

Our teaching materials consist of a comprehensive introductory text, worksheets with tasks and questions, a role model showing options of agency and a project example from Africa. Thanks to the modules, teachers can easily plan lessons regarding the topics.

The modules can be used in various situations. Since they contain further information and links, they help students to research more on the specific topic independently.

Recommended subjects:

  • English
  • Social and political sciences
  • Geography
  • Natural sciences

But all teaching materials can be used interdisciplinary, too.

Introductory text (excerpt from the module)

New approach to development cooperation: community-led development (CLD)

In Africa, the effects of climate change are hitting rural regions especially hard. However, people living in villages, small towns, and slums are not the problem – they’re the solution! For thousands of years, African village communities have been hubs of economic and social activity. It was not until colonialism and industrialization that cities and nation states became powerful economic players.

Decades of development cooperation in rural areas of the Global South have shown how important it is to involve municipalities, villages, and other communities in development programs from the outset, and to allow them to participate in the planning, design, and implementation of these programs. This approach is called community-led development (CLD). It is already being used by hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and has grown into a global movement.1 Not only should the village, the local community, be involved and participate in decision making, but it plays a leadership role – the village community sets the course. However, this requires mobilizing society: involving all levels of society and enabling them to act independently. It also requires strong, independent, and equitable local governments.

The concept of community-led development emerged in the late 1990s in North America and New Zealand in the context of fighting poverty. CLD is a way to address local problems and build on local strengths and capacities. It is the most effective means of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa. Action taken by local governments is essential for reaching 65% of the SDG targets…

Download the module to read the full text and get access to the worksheets.

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